Here you can find helpful files with which to program your Baofeng UV-5R radio if you haven’t bought it from me. Also, details of how to have me program your radio for you.

As always, the advice is that you are responsible for what you do with your radio. Please do not transmit on frequencies that you are not meant to be using. Explore licensing and getting your Amateur Radio Licence. Free training available from Essex Ham
Ofcom do not appear to be policing the 16 free PMR channels currently, but if you start causing interference with licence holders or maritime services you can expect a knock on the door.
The files are supplied free of charge with a view to self-education in the great hobby that is radio.

Programming software is free of charge and is called CHIRP. Thank you to everyone involved in CHIRP for making this great tool available.
Need help? I can program it for you. See below.
If you are unsure what to do and need some help, look further down the screen for my remote programming service.
Download CHIRP. Available for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux.
Basic Amateur Radio CHIRP file for Baofeng UV-5R
Marine VHF file for Baofeng UV-5R
Depending on your Web Browser and Operating System, you may have to right click and choose “Save As”.
All of the above files can be altered to work on many other radios that are programmed via CHIRP.
If you need assistance with programming your radio then I am available to do that for you. The two options are Remote Programming and Boomerang Programming.
Remote Programming. I log into your computer remotely using specialist software. I can remotely install CHIRP and then program your radio. You must be in possession of the relevant USB cable for your radio, which are available for a small charge on eBay and Amazon.
Boomerang Programming. You send your radio to me, I program it and send back to you. All I need is the radio and the battery, I do not need any other accessories.
Contact me for details.